Colliers Global Investors Italy SGR – SFDR Disclosure
Colliers Global Investors Italy SGR S.p.A., formerly “Antirion SGR S.p.A.” (“ Colliers Global Investors Italy” or the “SGR”) has embarked on a path that has led the company to take steps towards the progressive integration of ESG goals in all key aspects of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
Colliers Global Investors Italy, in line with its Sustainability Policy, Code of Ethics and Sustainability Manifesto, operates in the real estate market by promoting ESG factors with the aim of generating value for the company and all its stakeholders.
Colliers Global Investors Italy has always aspired to leave a positive mark on the areas where it operates, promoting fully sustainable urban regeneration. In every life stage of its properties, utmost focus is devoted to the future users of the spaces and those who will be involved in the redevelopment and subsequent management of the buildings, without neglecting to consider the urban context that stands to benefit from the revitalisation of the existing spaces.
Because Colliers Global Investors Italy believes that ESG sustainability is not a box to be checked but a mindset, a way of being, a principle that must always guide strategies and decisions, it contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, with respect to the impacts of its real estate products, it contributes to:
- SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
- SDG 13 – Climate action
- SDG 12 – Sustainable consumption
- SDG 5 – Gender equality
- SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
- SDG 3 – Good health and well-being
Colliers Global Investors Italy’s integrated approach maps out all stages of its operations: from the creation of new products and the consequent investment process to analysis and due diligence, redevelopment, occupancy, maintenance and management, up to the stage of the divestment phase in accordance with its Responsible Investment Policy.
The ESG guidelines are laid out in the SGR’s procedures, codes and operating practices, focusing on five key aspects:
- Rethinking the way we build with respect for human capital, suppliers, the land and the urban context. This includes promoting the use of sustainable materials and considering their use, disposal and re-use as part of a never-ending cycle.
- Building responsibly, improving the environmental performance of processes and properties, reducing consumption, emissions and waste.
- Protecting the well-being of people (employees, suppliers, clients and shareholders) who on a daily basis make it possible for the company to grow, promoting inclusion and gender equality in every way.
- Working closely with suppliers and clients to facilitate the transition and the environmental sustainability of the entire chain.
- Growing in harmony with local communities, encouraging their well-being, health and development.
Colliers Global Investors Italy takes an integrated approach to the assessment of sustainability risks, or environmental, social governance criteria (ESG), across the entire financial product creation value chain. Specifically:
- before the investment is made, through assessments and due diligence, followed by technical analyses and the creation of the AIF, Antirion evaluates potential liabilities, critical aspects and opportunities from an ESG standpoint as well;
- It also thinks about how to make a positive impact through the property redevelopment process, considering the various stakeholders in the various stages;
- Finally, it devotes significant attention to the needs of potential tenants and, therefore, the efficient and sustainable management of buildings, considering their context up until divestment.
Colliers Global Investors Italy’s investment policy aims to create a positive impact on its environment. Choosing and evaluating investments, it adopts an approach that integrates the analysis of economic and financial performance with the evaluation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, carefully assessing opportunities that may represent a high sustainability risk and reserving the right to exclude them.
For example, some of the factors considered in agreement with its stakeholders as potential risks are:
- public authorities and stakeholders with obvious transparency and integrity issues due to criminal infiltration;
- real estate assets that fail to meet high quality construction standards or environmental liabilities throughout the building’s entire life cycle (construction, management and redevelopment);
- real estate assets or development areas that could have a negative impact on the conservation of the cultural heritage of the country where we are operating;
- real estate assets or development areas with a negative impact on the reclamation of natural habitats or the protection of biodiversity, even in urban contexts.
Colliers Global Investors Italy, having operated in international settings and negotiated with major global companies as its tenants for years, considers many of the aspects that have come be part of the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Investments as crucial. In real estate, the world of finance is increasingly attentive to the assessment of potential environmental and social impacts, i.e., the risks to which the financial market is exposed when it becomes involved in urban regeneration. Consequently, when analysing an investment, the risks of climate change, transition risks and the risks of an approach that is inconsistent with the principles of a circular economy are also considered.
When assessing investments, Colliers Global Investors Italy adopts an approach to determine the main sustainability risks linked to the asset by adopting specific ESG criteria.
The integration of sustainability factors into investment decision-making processes enables the SGR to effectively manage the risks within its portfolio to create long-term value for Colliers Global Investors Italy, its stakeholders, the environment and society.
The SGR pays particular attention to the management of sustainability risks that could impact the financial performance of an investment as detailed in the “Responsible Investment Policy”.
For example, special consideration is devoted to, among other things, certain drivers in the investment process:
- preservative urban regeneration opportunities prioritising brownfields over greenfields and resolving all environmental liabilities that should arise;
- maximisation of the reclamation of natural habitats and the permeability of horizontal surfaces in areas where this can be done, in order to counteract the heat island phenomenon and effects of cloudbursts;
- integrated planning as part of a green building approach to combine technologies and technical solutions that:
- meet energy efficiency requirements
- reduce reliance on fossil fuels
- use integrated renewable sources
- reduce the consumption of drinking water and recover and re-use rainwater
- use innovative construction materials and processes in view of the circular economy
- focus on the quality of the environment inside the building and the well-being of its occupants
- make buildings accessible and integrate them in the surrounding urban context.
Implementing an integrated chain in the crucial property redevelopment stage puts Colliers Global Investors Italy in a position to govern and influence all stakeholders, even with respect to the sustainability risks to which it is exposed:
- the digitalisation of the construction process for digital twinning minimises the risk of errors in the design, construction and management of assets, where possible, with the mapping of key ESG performance indicators that measure energy efficiency, environmental footprint, circular economy, predictive management of maintenance and the building’s decommissioning;
- applying, where possible, certified green building systems or quality and process standards that raise the bar above the environmental and safety standards or the construction standards currently in force;
- communication with the public authorities and players in the value chain to consider whether a given asset should be included in potential smart city initiatives or whether local energy communications and/or positive energy districts should be formed;
- participating, where possible, in research and development programs, funded or otherwise, to include the property and its redevelopment in sustainable energy transition programs like Horizon Europe.
Download: “Information in accordance with the Articles 3, 4 and 5 SFDR Regulation (EU) 2019/2088”.
Download: “Failure to take into account the negative effects of investment decisions on Sustainability Factors”.
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Products that promote environmental or social characteristics/ sustainable investment objectives
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